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  • Tilt in space wheelchairs can often be fitted with many of the options that other wheelchairs use, however there are some features used more on tilt in space wheelchairs than others.
  • Lateral supports are used to control the position of a user’s spine. They are fitted to the backrest and provide support to the outside of the rib cage.  They can have the effect of preventing a user leaning to the side or can even straighten a scoliosis. 
  • Elevating legrests are often fitted to control swelling of the legs, however simply elevating the legs achieves very little improvement - the legs continue to remain the lowest part of the body for fluid to accumulate. Combined with tilt in space and recline however, the legs can be raised high enough to encourage a reduction in swelling.  This can be an uncomfortable position, therefore many users will opt to transfer to their bed, where they can comfortably raise their legs whilst lying down.  
  • Headrests allow the head to be supported, especially when using tilt in space or recline. In both positions, the users head is likely to fall backward with gravity, therefore it is important to support it in a comfortable position.
  • Headrests also provide some safety when travelling in a vehicle whilst seated in the wheelchair, in a similar way the headrest of a standard car seat would do. It is important to note that a wheelchair headrest is not tested to the same criteria as a car seat headrest would.
  • Some users require additional head support to maintain an upright head position, or to maintain their head in a comfortable position. Additional supports and shaping can be added to tailor the support offered by the headrest.



Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors
NHS Wales
Posture & Mobility Group
Call us today on 02921 660346